Monday 3 December 2012

Destiny and Business Discovery Coaching Programmes

Candidates are advised to take either coaching course 1 or 2.

Coaching Course 1 

Destiny Discovery

A man’s life preserver is his destiny. Your Destiny houses your make – up and your Divine Assignment. The first journey every man must undergo in life is the journey of discovering whom God created him to be and what to do. Even Apostle Paul asked God, “What would you have me to do?” Every confusion in any areas of life, be it financial, marital, health, physical, emotional or spiritual takes it root from people’s confusion over not knowing their make – up and divine assignment. Every worry in life is easily nullified when you known what your destiny is, and you catch up with your Life Vision, Cast unique goals, identify your core Values, strategize and proceed on your Life Mission.
Although, this has been a no go area for many. God has given me the divine wisdom to help people unwrap their destiny, even to the extent of explaining the riddles of what a graduate studied in the university, what he regretted not to have studied, combining them with his life’s hurts and happy times to put him perfectly on the path of his destiny.

In this destiny package, you will be awarded a Personalized Destiny Profile. This is like an equipment manual, it consists of details of what you must do to have satisfaction, fulfillment, significance, fruitfulness & real success in life. The profile reveals your unique Life Vision, Mission, Destiny Function, Destiny forms, your unique Message, Products, Trade mark, Copyright, Best - fit in life, work & career to be sought for. An audio Cd containing full details of your divine assignment, how to begin and succeed in your life mission is issued alongside with your Personalized Destiny Profile.

Seminar by Telephone or Skype. Inventories workbook is given to client as home assignment. The workbook is submitted by e - mail., analyzed and evaluated by the Destiny Mentor. Then your Professionally Analyzed Destiny Profile is awarded to you alongside with a detailed audio Cd.

COST: $75 

Coaching Course 2
Business Discovery and Start-Ups

You have a niche, a unique garden likened to the Garden of Eden which God designed you to dress and keep without much hassles, stress and pains. Browsing through your destiny, I will help you to discover your Destiny Forms. These destiny forms are the major tasks in your divine assignment. Man is like a special tractor in a construction site by designed has loading bucket at the front end, a forklift at the rear and a grader underneath it. At least four sources of income from four lucrative businesses will be established from your destiny forms. I will teach you how to start each of these businesses and coach you to succeed, give you referrals on loans and legal issues.

Seminar by Telephone or Skype. Inventories workbook is given to client as as home assignment. The workbook is by e - mail, analyzed and evaluated. Then your Professionally Analyzed Business Profile is awarded to you alongside with a detailed audio Cd.

COST: $75

Company Registration/ Business Plan, Feasibility Studies & Company Profile

Most of my Client after I help them to discover their destiny, and business,they want to start, so they usually ask me to assist them in registering their company, produce Business Plan and Company Profile.

These document are suitable for sourcing loans from financial institutions and Government, and will also assist our clients in the day to day running of their businesses.